Thursday, July 13, 2006

16 June 2006

Today was a very interesting day; I had the ability to see a wide array of different work relatively easily. One piece that stood out was the Anthony McCall piece You and Me, Horizontal which created its own ineffable experience….what seems to be most interesting whence thinking about all of the work that I have seen over the years that has produced or rather given me an ineffable was the element of simplicity. Not all of the work has been simplistic in delivery-rather it seems the more minimalist it looks the more work goes into execution, but the simplistic act of dialogue between work and viewer. The piece was a projection of two lines forming a circle….the projector was about 15 feet or so away from the screen and the actual shape of the projection was shaping the light beam-smoke was then released into the light beam and seemed to be captured within the boundaries of the projection and created a dual level experience. You the had the experience watching the circle come together, and you had the experience of the smoke within the lights, almost Adam Fuss like but there and live, not a captured moment. Being able to watch the smoke move and diffuse within the light in the first person, versus a mediated experience. There was something important in the experiencing the work’s lifespan and then watching it die out.

What is important is that it was visual. My research looks towards the aural…can it be done only aurally…. Ceal Floyer's piece Construction was simply a white room with the sounds of power tools. It was great, but was it only great because it was clever, or was it great because it was simply great? I am not to sure, it was piece that changed one’s spatial experience, but it also operated in a way that was simply clever…it wasn’t ineffable. (What is the connection between being clever and the ineffable?)

I suppose this begs the question, what is the ineffable, what makes it….? Why isn’t Ceal Floyer’s piece an ineffable experience and simply clever, what is the difference? I would never say the last 22 seconds of Debaser by the Pixies as being clever-it makes me feel amazing, my scalp crawls I love that bit of the song so much. But beyond that description, I cannot explain why. It simply moves something inside of me in a way that I can’t explain but I feel the exact same every time I here that bit of the song. I want to jump up and down at the same time that my skin pricks up a bit, and something runs down my spine, it’s like being in love but with the act of being in love. Simple things bring us the most immediate actions.

How does one (rather me) get better about listening and creating. The ability to see the much work at once makes me realize I have been a lazy artist….but its hard when the thing you want to create is the primal experience, you can’t explain and each time you make something you are reaching for it just a bit more, each piece is simply a step to the ineffable.


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